1531 W. Howard
Roger’s Park Mid-Rise And Wally Walls: The Evolution Of Things
Cornerstone Investment Group and Watermark Equity Group have chosen Wally Walls for Roger Park’s premier 2018 new construction development. Cornerstone has been a pillar in the neighborhood for a long while, previously having brought restaurants, apartments and entertainment to the neighborhood. Cornerstone’s vision and Watermark’s construction and development team form a perfect blend to drive new construction in Roger’s Park. Laszlo Simovic Architects designed this inspired mid-rise just blocks from the City’s Lakefront.
Like neighborhood’s, construction methodologies change over time - sometimes very long periods of time. Then, what was once perceived as “revolutionary” becomes “commonplace.” Modular construction was once looked upon as of a lesser quality than the craftsmanship of the field laborers. Well, for those of you who spent any time last week outdoors in Chicago, you would have to be skeptical of the “craftsmanship” possible when the weather dips below zero. Further, insulated structural light gauge walls allow a building to be erected faster with less waste. While all of that may seem obvious today, it was not long ago that a contrary conclusion was the norm. Roger’s Park is much the same way - steps from the lakefront, great restaurants, access to public transportation, and remarkable entertainment make Roger’s Park an outstanding place to develop and live. Obvious, right?
What are you building with? Build Better. Build With Wally!
Better. Better. Better.